Retail stores

Toys and games supplier for retail stores

Do you need personalized service and to ensure the profitability of your toy department?

With more than 10,000 items to choose from, WDK has one of the most extensive toy & game ranges on the market and emerges as one of the leading toy distributors in France. We are committed to find, source and supply you with toy industry insights and items which generate sales, margins and a high inventory turnover.

Adapting to your business, that’s our job! Our product collections are inspired by you and your customer’s requirements.

From franchise toys, collectibles, to toys that stimulate learning & development, our team of Toy Experts knows how to deal with your requests and serve your needs.

Our team, with its extensive experience, provide reliable, responsive support to you – every day, thanks to the rapport you build with your sales representative. We advise you on how to showcase your products and we work with you to set up your point of sale.

Our catalogues

A range of games and toys to fit your business needs

A wide and dynamic range, which mixes trendy and high-margin items.


Trendy items which generate foot traffic

WDK distributes all brands and works with all toy & game manufacturers. We are thereby able to pinpoint new trends and quickly deliver the hottest games and toys as soon as they hit the market.


Sales generator products

WDK has its own brand of regular stock items, Wonderkids, to maximize profitability and optimize your shelf displays.

Photo détail chiffre d'affaire

Revenue generator promotions

WDK organizes promotional campaigns and incorporates packaging designs, in particular countertop product displays, which are adapted to your business.

Photo détail achat d'impulsion

Trendy impulse items

WDK offers affordable items to encourage impulse buys at checkouts.

Our clients

Toy stores



Seaside convenience stores

Mountain resort convenience stores

Discount stores

Customized services

15 sales representatives, who are toy industry experts and customer service oriented, are happy to help you and bring you a real added value.

Our sales representative comes in your shop for helping you (we are teasing new cars with bioethanol to reduce our environmental impact). Our sales representative come in your shop to better accompany you (we test the use of vehicles with bioethanol to reduce our carbon footprint).

A commitment to quality ensures an effective follow-up of your toy department sales:

  • An A-to-Z follow-up of your toy department
  • A Single Point of Contact to serve you
  • No minimum item re-order point
  • No reserve stocks
  • Quick shipping
  • Ranges of unique toys & games for specialty stores

They put their trust in us

We assist more than 3,000 clients on adaily basis! So why not you?

Questions? WDK’s toy experts are here for you!

Contact us